This page contains my Bible studies. I decided to make reading through the Bible something of a new year's resolution for 2023, noting my progress in my Diary as I went. As such, this page exists as an independent mirror of those notes for categorization purposes and ease of reading—all non-Biblical entries have thus been removed from this record.
I own a lot of Bibles, but the one I chose to use for this project is the New Oxford Annotated Bible with Apocrypha (Fifth Edition) due to its status as the premier work on reading the Bible as a historical text.
It is my intention to supplement my reading after I finish the Bible proper with such texts as The Bible as History by Werner Keller, as well as How to Read the Bible by James Kugel, among others.
Dates and timestamps within the original diary entries have been removed to improve readability. I have also inserted separators between each chapter for similar reasons.
I began my reading on January 1st, 2023, and I finished on [N/A].
Introductory note from January 1st: So begins my reading of the New Oxford Annotated Bible. My notes on this text are going to be very erratic, likely varying from entry to entry, some short, some long, and there's a lot to get through. It's going to be messy, and I'm going to type them onto my computer rather than write them in my diary, so as to make it easier on myself as I go (I will also be able to highlight particularly relevant information in bold, for my own convenience as online reference). Each entry will come with a header that refers to the specific book and number being referred to. It's extremely likely I will use extensive quotations of footnotes, as well as the text itself as I make my personal entries. No time like the present, I suppose!
It should be noted that this Bible is using MLA formatting, so citations will read with colons throughout. I will also be defaulting to using hyphens in lieu of en-dashes.
Introduction to the Pentateuch - Completed on the 1st of January.
Genesis - Completed on the 8th of January.
Exodus - Completed on the 13th of January.
Leviticus - Completed on the 16th of January.
Numbers - Completed on the 29th of January.
Deuteronomy - Completed on the 20th of March.
Introduction to the Historical Books - Completed on the 21st of March.
Joshua - Completed on the 27th of March.
Judges - Completed on the 8th of April.
Ruth - Completed on the 13th of April.