This page contains my largely unedited, unformatted notes regarding various aspects of specific media I enjoy.
Each entry has a short blurb detailing the topic explored within, but the actual contents of the pages themselves may be less than stellar depending on whether or not I wrote them with intent to show other people (I probably didn't).
With this in mind, don't be surprised at all if you click an entry and don't understand a word.

Thoughts on Blue is the Warmest Color - August 13th, 2022
Quick thoughts I had after watching Blue is the Warmest Color. I'd had a few conversations on the merits of sex and depictions of sex in media, so I watched this movie with foreknowledge of some of its content, and I think this is a great example of a movie using sexuality well.
I don't particularly feel art needs narrative or technical reasoning to depict sex, but it helps to have a movie as good as this to use as an example of how sex can help exemplify the themes and implications of a story.
Quick thoughts I had after watching Blue is the Warmest Color. I'd had a few conversations on the merits of sex and depictions of sex in media, so I watched this movie with foreknowledge of some of its content, and I think this is a great example of a movie using sexuality well.
I don't particularly feel art needs narrative or technical reasoning to depict sex, but it helps to have a movie as good as this to use as an example of how sex can help exemplify the themes and implications of a story.

Oberstein and Act Utilitarianism - July 7th, 2022
Regarding the character of Oberstein from the anime Legend of the Galactic Heroes, specifically hisstrict adherence to a form of Act Utilitarianism.
I believe that the discourse surrounding Oberstein and his actions throughout the series have failed to distinguish between the two main forms of Utilitarianism, and as such, the assumed merits of his philosophy as a whole have been largely misrepresented.
Regarding the character of Oberstein from the anime Legend of the Galactic Heroes, specifically hisstrict adherence to a form of Act Utilitarianism.
I believe that the discourse surrounding Oberstein and his actions throughout the series have failed to distinguish between the two main forms of Utilitarianism, and as such, the assumed merits of his philosophy as a whole have been largely misrepresented.

How Assassin's Creed (2007) handled the Templars - January 5th, 2022
A series of notes I typed up after replaying the Assassin's Creed franchise, generally on how the first game treated the fictional Templar Order, and how that treatment can be viewed in retrospect given the universe's growth in the intervening 15 years, as well as a general exploration of the series' divergent philosophies as a whole.
I think the first Assassin's Creed game has a significant amount of narrative depth and philosophical nuance, so it always pains me to see the series derided as the 'death of art' because of its existence as a Ubisoft open world franchise.
A series of notes I typed up after replaying the Assassin's Creed franchise, generally on how the first game treated the fictional Templar Order, and how that treatment can be viewed in retrospect given the universe's growth in the intervening 15 years, as well as a general exploration of the series' divergent philosophies as a whole.
I think the first Assassin's Creed game has a significant amount of narrative depth and philosophical nuance, so it always pains me to see the series derided as the 'death of art' because of its existence as a Ubisoft open world franchise.