This website exists primarily as a means for me to mirror all of my notes on various projects and subjects I'm interested in. This way, I don't have to go through the effort of hunting for text files I've drafted locally.

Nothing hosted here is posted with intent to be intelligible to an outside observer, so it might be pretty haphazard outside of subject blurbs and possibly the Diary section if I think to include enough context when writing.
Brief detail on the site's sections:

Home - You are here.

Diary - Diary entries regarding whatever non-fiction it is I'm reading about (Entries start from May 2nd, 2022).

Media - Less structured entries regarding fiction, written or otherwise. Likely hasty, confusing, and unedited.

Misc - Miscellaneous entries that don't fit into other categories, possibly creative pursuits or bigger projects.

About - Information on who I am and what all of this is. May eventually house my reading list.